Sunday, January 23, 2011

if you're sick of cat comics stop reading now

Recently it was my cat's 5th birthday. She spent it pretty much the way I'd want to spend mine:

enjoying a drink:


indulging in a favourite snack:

getting a manicure:
Granted, while for me this is a rare treat, for her it's more like unnatural torture.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

what doesn't kill me only makes me jaded

How grad school should work:

How it actually works:

I heart my advisor. I really do. but sometimes...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

curse you, past me

I hate Past Me.  I open my agenda to find sickeningly optimistic notes from Past Me: "January 15th: submit complete draft of manuscript!" "February 7th: have finished SRCD poster!"
Turns out, Past Me is also the one who writes my resolutions...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

introducing dour dad

Maybe you know him. You feel so bad for your friend because this is their dad.

He's mystified by even the shallowest depths of human feeling:

He can't be impressed:

Even his compliments are insults.